The 3 themes of the park

Discover the fascinating world of volcanoes with dynamic animations (Réveil des géants d’Auvergne, Volcans sacrés, Abyss Explorer…) and scientific animations, particularly the Volcanoes workshops. The movie ‘Regards sur les volcans’, projected on a 415 m² screen, will make you travel around the world to discover the most active volcanoes.
New for 2025: Plunge into the heart of spectacular volcanic landscapes, and follow the story of Maurice and Katia Krafft - extraordinary volcanologists - on a giant screen!
> Discover all the attractions about volcanoes
New for 2025: Plunge into the heart of spectacular volcanic landscapes, and follow the story of Maurice and Katia Krafft - extraordinary volcanologists - on a giant screen!
> Discover all the attractions about volcanoes
Face the forces of nature!

Vulcania invites you to discover these terrestrial, atmospheric and marine phenomena, such as earthquakes or hurricanes, and thus to better understand these powerful manifestations of nature. You will be able to test your knowledge with the animation ‘Terre en colère’ (Angry Earth) and obtain a lot of information on earthquakes with the exhibition ‘Séismes’ to discover independently or accompanied by a scientific animator. The force of the elements can also be admired in the movie ‘Ouragan’ (Hurricane) projected on giant screen. And join a team of seismologists on Namazu, the family earthquake coaster voted Best New Attraction at the Parksmania Awards 2021.
New for 2025 (from summer): Take on the forces of the Earth on a dynamic platform!
> Discover all the attractions about natural phenomena
New for 2025 (from summer): Take on the forces of the Earth on a dynamic platform!
> Discover all the attractions about natural phenomena
Conquer the universe!

To better understand and apprehend our planet, we must get an overview, and therefore gain height. You will discover, on your own or with the Professor Yapadrisk’s assistants, our Solar System and all the secrets of the blue planet in ‘Machine Terre’ (Earth machine) and you will explore Earth from the sky with a scientific animator during ‘Planète dévoilée’ (Unveiled planet).
France's biggest planetarium is at Vulcania: Explore the farthest reaches of the Universe in France's biggest planetarium! 6 activities await you to discover all the secrets of the ISS, learn how to decipher our starry sky, fly over the other planets in the Solar System...
> Discover all the attractions about the Earth in Space
France's biggest planetarium is at Vulcania: Explore the farthest reaches of the Universe in France's biggest planetarium! 6 activities await you to discover all the secrets of the ISS, learn how to decipher our starry sky, fly over the other planets in the Solar System...
> Discover all the attractions about the Earth in Space